The Conference
1. What is the Model City Hall conference?
The Model City Hall conference is a one day conference held that aims to make municipal politics accessible to high school students. Students from all over the province choose a committee where they simulate council chamber debates and collaborate to create documents that provide solutions to key municipal issues. The issues discussed and resolved correspond with recent debate items in City Hall. We offer the first conference in Canada to simulate municipal politics for youth at no cost. In 2018, MCH expanded to Hamilton. We now run annual conferences in two cities!

2. When and where is the conference being held?
The conference is held at City Hall (Toronto City Hall in Toronto and Hamilton City Hall in Hamilton, respectively) in the spring each year.

3. How is Model City Hall similar to Model United Nations and Model Parliament?
As an initiative, MCH is the first interactive conference that allows students to discuss municipal affairs, and find new and innovative ways to resolve current problems that this city is facing. Taking cues from conferences like Model Parliament or Model United Nations, it hopes to demystify local politics and make this essential corner of politics fun and rewarding to the high school demographic.

4. Do I need prior Model United Nations experience to attend?
Absolutely not! All students are encouraged to participate in MCH, regardless of your experience level. There are various committees of difficulty levels ranging from novice to advanced to cater to the experiences of each student. This is also a great way for grade ten civics and careers classes to get a hands-on experience on what municipal politics is all about!

5. How do I attend?
You can attend by filling out the application form when it comes out each year. If there is no form currently available on our website, send us an email at and we’ll let you know when it is expected to open!

6. How much is it to attend?
It’s free!